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导读: 班门弄斧新编 新编英汉翻译教程 An Introduction to Translating from English to Chinese An Introduction to Translatin...



An Introduction to Translating from English to Chinese

An Introduction to Translating from English to Chinese
教学目的: 教学目的 : 旨在让学生了解什么是翻译,掌握翻译的类别、 标准、过程;同时了解部分中西代表译论。 教学内容: 教学内容:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is translation? Scope of Translation History of Translation Criteria of Translation Process of Translation


What is translation? (The Definition of Translation)
The Oxford English Dictionary: to turn from one language into another(从一种语言转换成另一种语言); Webster’s third New International Dictionary of the English Language: to turn into one’s own or another language(转换成 本族语或另一种语言)。 翻译是一种“语言转换”活动。

(1)In the narrow sense: ) Translation means to express the meaning of a certain text of a language using another language, e.g.: English-Chinese Translation Chinese-English Translation (2)In the broad sense ) Translation can also mean those kinds of translation between a dialect and the common language of a country, between one dialect and another dialect, between the old form and the modern form of a language. It also includes the transformation between signs or numbers and a language. E.g.: translation between archaic Chinese and modern Chinese

The definition is:
Translation is a rendering from one language into another, i.e., the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language. To be more exact, in Nida’s & Tytler’s words

美国翻译理论家Eugene A. Nida: 美国翻译理论家 :
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然 的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其 次在文体上。)

Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style.

对该定义我们可以作如下理解: A, 再现原文信息,而不是保留原文的结构形式; B, 原文与译文之间是对等,而非同一关系; C, 对等是贴切,自然的; D, 意义是优先考虑的因素; E, 文体成分也很重要。 Equivalence : Formal Equivalence: 偏重于原语的表达形式 Dynamic Equivalence: 最贴近原语信息的自然对等。 Functional Equivalence: 译文的功能于原文的功能基本 一致。

Alexander Fraser Tytler:
A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. 好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全

新 编 初 中 语 文 写 作 教 学 案 例 精 选

新 编 初 中 语 文 写 作 教 学 案 例 精 选
前 言
  改革的平台有了,写作教学到底应该怎么办?这既要解决观念问题,也要解决操作问题。为了帮助大家领会新教材的编辑思想,扎实细致地搞好写作教学改革,我们特意组织编写了这本《新编初中语文写作教学案例精选》,以供老师们参考。这些案例 ,有的是教学方案,有的是教学实录。它们凝聚着数十位辛勤耕耘在教学一线的语文教师和教研人员的丰富经验和独到见解,相信会给读者以有益的启迪和实际的帮助。
    “作文贵在独创”,写作教学也贵在独创。别人的经验只能借鉴而不能借用,任何生搬硬套都不会有好的效果,也不是本书编者所愿意看到的。书中案例 ,虽说是精选,却不能说是最好。因为,没有最好,只有更好。由于本书是按初中语文写作教材的体系编写的,所以有关作文评改的案例尚未编入,而作文评价机制的创新又是十分关键的一个环节。这个遗憾只能等待下次修订时补救了。


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