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2015-07-28 11:25:31 演讲稿 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 歌剧《猫》的英语演讲PPT  Background  Synopsis  About Memory Since Cats first opened on the West End stage in...


 Background

 Synopsis
 About Memory

Since Cats first
opened on the West End stage in 1981, it has become one of the world’s best known and best loved musicals. With a plot based on T.S Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats . And award-winning music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Cats, originally directed by Trevor Nunn, has since been
presented in over 20 countries and in about 250 cities, including such diverse destinations as Buenos Aires, Seoul, Helsinki and Singapore. The show has been translated into 10 languages.

describes a story that the Jellicle Cats meet once a year to rejoice. They will hold a party to choose which of the Jellicle Cats will journey tonight to the Heaviside layer to be reborn into a new life.

They are waiting for their leader, the wise Old Deuteronomy. And all the cats try their best to show their ability.

The entire tribe returns
as their benevolent and wise old leader Old Deuteronomy arrives. The cats adore and respect him, indeed he is father to some of them .

Victoria , a young white cat,
dances to signal “The Invitation To The Jellicle Ball”.

Bustopher Jones is a large
“twenty five pounder”. he spends his time eating, eating and eating in many English pubs and clubs.

Munkustrap, a large grey tabby

Grizabella, The Glamour Cat, is shunned by the rest of the tribe despite being a Jellicle Cat. She left the tribe years ago to e xplore the outside world and now wants to return.
Grizabella appears once more, wanting to rejoin her family and be a part of the celebration. She is left to contemplate her “Memory” of the time before she left the tribe. She stretches out her hand behind her, hoping another cat will touch her. She is still not accepted and, disappointed, slinks off into the night.

At last the time has come for Old Deuteronomy to make the Jellicle Choice and decide which cat will be reborn into a new Jellicle life. At that moment, Grizabella reappears. Again she recalls her “Memory” of how things used to be. This time the cats accept her back into the tribe and it is she who is chosen to Journey to the Heaviside Layer and be reborn.

Thank you


杰里科猫族每年都要举行一次舞会,众猫们会 在一年一度的盛大聚会上挑选一只猫升天,于是, 就有形形色色的猫们纷纷登场,尽情表现。最后, 当年光彩耀人今日却无比邋遢的魅力猫以一曲 “Memory”打动了在场所有的猫,成为了可以升上 天堂的猫。



领袖猫(Old Deuteronomy)





摇滚猫(Rum Tum Tugger)


“Memory”是魅力猫Grizabella演唱的。在 她唱完这首歌之后,猫都被感动了,一致 推选她升上天堂,全剧落下帷幕。


活了一百万 次的猫(读后感)

<<活了一百万 次的猫>>读书笔记 . 今天,我要给大家介绍一本书 ,名叫<<活了一百万次的猫>>,


这本书的内容说的这只猫曾经和许多人做过伙伴,有威风凛凛的国外,技艺超群的水手、甚至还有魔术师、小偷、老太太等等,可是无论怎样它都不开心,最后它开始流浪,成为了一只野猫,这时候它遇到了一只白猫和白猫成了好朋友,他们幸福的生活在一起,并且拥有了许多的小猫宝宝,猫多想永远和白猫幸福的生活下去啊,可是后来白猫生病死去了,这只猫很伤心,从早上哭到晚上,伤心的哭了一百万次,最后也伤心的死去了。 在以前的一百万次里,这只猫跟随了许多主人,它不喜欢荣华富贵、不喜欢战争,不喜欢大海,它向往自由,因此它最后和白猫在一起的日子是最开心和幸福的。


2017届8班 文梓轩


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