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2015-07-29 09:18:31 演讲稿 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 2010名人演讲词 驻欧盟大使庆祝中欧建交35周年招待会致辞 尊敬的巴罗佐主席, 瓦西里乌委员,莱万多夫斯基委员,阿尔梅 达总司长, 女士...







Respected President Barroso, Dear Commissioner Vassiliou and Commissioner Lewandowski, Director-General Almeida, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

今天,我们怀着喜悦的心情相聚于此,隆重庆祝中欧建交35周年。首先,我要特别感谢巴罗佐主席拨冗出席今天的庆祝招待会,这再次充分显示了欧盟对发展中欧关系的重视。 It is a great pleasure to be here on this joyful occasion, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the China-EU diplomatic relations. First of all, I wish to thank President Barroso for joining us this evening as we all know you have a very tight schedule. I want to say that your presence here today again gives full testimony of the great importance the European Union attaches to developing relations with China.

35年前的今天,时任欧共体委员会副主席索姆斯访华,与中方达成了建交共识。自那时以来,中欧各自发生了巨大变化,中欧关系亦走过了不平凡的历程,取得了非凡的成就。 Thirty-five years ago, then Vice President of the European Commission Baron Christopher Soames paid a visit to China, during which decision was made to establish diplomatic ties between China and the EEC. Since then, significant changes have taken place in both Europe and China, and so has our relations, which has come through an eventful journey and attained extraordinary achievements.

这是中欧政治关系不断走向成熟的35年。特别是近年来,中欧关系成功实现跨越式发展,相继迈上建设性伙伴关系、全面伙伴关系和全面战略伙伴关系三个台阶,建立了年度领导人会晤、经贸高层对话等重要机制。中欧关系已成为世界上最具影响力的双边关系之一。 Over these thirty-five years, our political relations have been maturing. Especially in recent years, leapfrog developments in our relations took us three steps forward-from constructive to comprehensive, and then to comprehensive strategic partnership. Today, there are, between us, annual summit, high-level economic and trade dialogue, and many other important political consultation mechanisms. Together we have made our bilateral relationship one of the most influential bilateral relations in the world.


Our economic cooperation and trade has been booming. In 1975, the annual bilateral trade volume between China and the EU was only 2.4 billion US Dollars, roughly equivalent to what we could currently achieve in two days. However, today the EU is China's largest trading partner and export market, as well as the biggest source of import and technology transfer. China is the EU's 1


Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
February 20, 2010

The other week, men and women across California opened up their mailboxes to find a letter from Anthem Blue Cross. The news inside was jaw-dropping. Anthem was alerting almost a million of its customers that it would be raising premiums by an average of 25 percent, with about a quarter of folks likely to see their rates go up by anywhere from 35 to 39 percent.

Now, after their announcement stirred public outcry, Anthem agreed to delay their rate hike until May 1st while the situation is reviewed by the state of California. But it’s not just Californians who are being hit by rate hikes. In Kansas, one insurance company raised premiums by 10 to 20 percent only after asking to raise them by 20 to 30 percent. Last year, Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield raised rates by 22 percent after asking to raise them by up to 56 percent. And in Maine, Anthem is asking to raise rates for some folks by about 23 percent.

The bottom line is that the status quo is good for the insurance industry and bad for America. Over the past year, as families and small business owners have struggled to pay soaring health care costs, and as millions of Americans lost their coverage, the five largest insurers made record profits of over $12 billion.

And as bad as things are today, they’ll only get worse if we fail to act. We’ll see more and more Americans go without the coverage they need. We’ll see exploding premiums and out-of-pocket costs burn through more and more family budgets. We’ll see more and more small businesses scale back benefits, drop coverage, or close down because they can’t keep up with rising rates. And in time, we’ll see these skyrocketing health care costs become the single largest driver of our federal deficits.

That’s what the future is on track to look like. But it’s not what the future has to look like. The question, then, is whether we will do what it takes, all of us – Democrats and Republicans – to build a better future for ourselves, our children, and our country.

That’s why, next week, I am inviting members of both parties to take part in a bipartisan health care meeting, and I hope they come in a spirit of good faith. I don’t want to see this meeting turn into political theater, with each side simply reciting talking points and trying to score political points. Instead, I ask members of both parties to seek common ground in an effort to solve a problem that’s been with us for generations.

It’s in that spirit that I have sought out and supported Republican ideas on reform from the very beginning. Some Republicans want to allow Americans to purchase insurance from a company in another state to give people more choices and bring down costs. Some Republicans have also suggested giving small businesses the power to pool together and offer health care at lower prices, just as big companies and labor unions do. I think both of these are go


李敖在北京大学的精彩演讲(全文)(图为李敖在北京大学演讲) 各位终于看到我了,

主任,校长,总裁,各位贵宾,各位老师,各位小朋友! 来演讲紧张不紧张?



林肯总统请他上台给他勋章,让他几句话,他讲不出口,为什么?怕这玩意,一讲演就紧张。 前天晚上我编了一个故事,一个北京的小姐,在一个大楼建筑里面,她看到一个人在里面走



那个人就是连战。 连战唬弄了你们 台湾有一位很有名的歌星,崔苔菁,崔




时把这个观念转过来,因为你们上了连战的当以后,我很难把这个观念转过来。 我在


囚」 ( 北京话,可理解为「弄」 ) 到北京来,对不起,我一看到你们就讲很多乡音,「鼓

囚」到北京来,可是我已经在中国大陆、在凤凰电视台上讲了有 400 多场,你们对我相当



的,所以我今天有所抱怨。 现在开始讲正题了,罗马教皇讲了一句话,他说你演讲的


样让听众记得住呢?你这个演讲就失败了!所以大家看 ( 李敖敞开西装外套 ) ,没有稿子。

也没有小抄,可是我带了一些证据是有的,等会会显示证据。 我必须和大家说,接下



当 成学术演讲,所以不铺红地毯,校长是不是这个意思?我说好,我做学术演讲,讲得好

就是学术演讲,讲不好,讲一半,铺红地毯还来得及。 要先赞美共产党 为








洋军阀呢?我们不要骂北洋军阀,我们要做历史性的反省。 以前北京大学胡适讲了一






由主义带到台湾,所以台湾有一股自由主义的学风,在学校里面流传下来了。 我告诉



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