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2015-07-28 11:24:48 童话故事 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 安徒生童话故事全集目录 安徒生童话故事全集 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日-1875年8月4日)丹麦作...



汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen,1805年4月2日-1875年8月4日)丹麦作家,诗人,因为他的童话故事而世界闻名。他最著名的童话故事有《小锡兵》、《冰雪女王》、《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》、《丑小鸭》和《红鞋》等。其创作的童话被称为“安徒生童话”。又名《安徒生集》。



001 打火匣 002 皇帝的新装 003飞箱 004 丑小鸭

005 没有画的画册 006跳高者 007 红鞋 008 衬衫领子

009 一个豆荚里的五粒豆 010 一个贵族和他的女儿们 011 守塔人奥列 012 蝴蝶

013 贝脱、比脱和比尔 014 烂布片 015 织补针 016 拇指姑娘 017 跳蚤和教授 018 区别

019 一本不说话的书 020 夏日痴 021 笔和墨水壶 022 风车

023 瓦尔都窗前的一瞥 024 甲虫

025 幸福的家庭 026 完全是真的 027 蓟的遭遇 028新世纪的女神 029 各得其所 030 一星期的日子 031 钱猪

032 在辽远的海极

033 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰 034 野天鹅 035 母亲的故事 036 犹太女子 037 牙痛姑妈 038 金黄的宝贝 039 民歌的鸟儿 040 接骨木树妈妈 041 沙丘的故 事

042 小克劳斯和大克劳斯 043 迁居的日子 044 鬼火进城了 045 幸运的套鞋 046 鹳鸟 047 枞树

048 香肠栓熬的汤

049 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 050 天上落下来的一片叶子051 恶毒的王子 052 演木偶戏的人

053 舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶054 安妮·莉斯贝 055 素琪

056 藏着并不等于遗忘 057 谁是最幸运的 058 钟声

059 顽皮的孩子 060 识字课本

061 老约翰妮讲的故事 062 老墓碑 063 姑妈

064 墓里的孩子 065 老路灯


“小美人鱼”的故事 在安徒生的童话世界里,“小美人鱼”是海王最小的女儿,无忧无虑地生活在大海中。她拥有天使般美丽的容貌和夜莺般动听的歌喉。按照海底皇宫的规矩,“美人鱼”们只有到了15岁,才有机会浮出海面,看看人类的世界。美丽的“小美人鱼”终于等到了这一天。








安徒生童话 母亲的故事

安徒生童话: 母亲的故事

A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed themselves, and it drew its breath so softly, now and then, with a deep respiration, as if it sighed; and the mother looked still more sorrowfully on the little creature.

Then a knocking was heard at the door, and in came a poor old man wrapped up as in a large horse-cloth, for it warms one, and he needed it, as it was the cold winter season! Everything out-of doors was covered with ice and snow, and the wind blew so that it cut the face.

As the old man trembled with cold, and the little child slept a moment, the mother went and poured some ale into a pot and set it on the stove, that it might be warm for him; the old man sat and rocked the cradle, and the mother sat down on a chair close by him, and looked at her little sick child that drew its breath so deep, and raised its little hand.

"Do you not think that I shall save him?" said she. "Our Lord will not take him from me!" And the old man——it was Death himself——he nodded so strangely, it could just as well signify yes as no. And the mother looked down in her lap, and the tears ran down over her cheeks; her head became so heavy——she had not closed her eyes for three days and nights; and now she slept, but only for a minute, when she started up and trembled with cold.

"What is that?" said she, and looked on all sides; but the old man was gone, and her little child was gone——he had taken it with him; and the old clock in the corner burred, and burred, the great leaden weight ran down to the floor, bump! and then the clock also stood still. But the poor mother ran out of the house and cried aloud for her child.

Out there, in the midst of the snow, there sat a woman in long, black clothes; and she said, "Death has been in thy chamber, and I saw him hasten away with thy little child; he goes faster than the wind, and he never brings back what he takes!"

"Oh, only tell me which way he went!" said the mother. "Tell me the way, and I shall find him!"

"I know it!" said the woman in the black clothes. "But before I tell it, thou must first sing for me all the songs thou hast sung for thy child! I am fond of them. I have heard them before; I am Night; I saw thy tears whilst thou sang'st them!"

"I will sing them all, all!" said the mother. "But do not stop me now——I may overtake him——I may find my child!"

But Night stood still and mute. Then the mother wrung her hands, sang and wept, and there were many songs, but yet many more tears; and then Night said, "Go to the right, into the dark pine forest; thither I saw Death take his way with thy little child!"

相关热词搜索:安徒生童话简短小故事 安徒生童话故事小锡兵


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