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2015-07-28 11:36:46 童话故事 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 德育小故事青蛙和蛇 青蛙和蛇 一天,一只小青蛙和一条小蛇在路上相遇了。他们以前从没见过面。 小青蛙问:"你是谁?"他准备跳到小蛇...



一天,一只小青蛙和一条小蛇在路上相遇了。他们以前从没见过面。 小青蛙问:"你是谁?"他准备跳到小蛇够不着的地方。




正在这时,一只苍蝇从小青蛙眼前飞过。小青蛙的舌头一弹,捉住了苍蝇。 一只臭虫从小蛇的鼻子前飞过。小蛇的舌头一伸,捉住了具虫。






突然,它跳起来冲向天空,翻了个跟头,伸出舌头抓住了所有的苍蝇。 小青蛙得意地说:"小蛇,这就是青蛙的跳跃,你能这样做吗?"







小蛇的快乐之旅 一天,一条既善良,又聪明的小蛇来到了一座小岛智慧岛。 那里的人都很聪明,而小蛇今天来的目的是:帮妈妈送封信,是给它阿姨的。 它阿姨住在智慧岛东南面的动物城里,是位女王。由于小蛇家里来了客人,它妈妈很忙,而这封信必须得今天送,所以只好让小蛇送信。 可小蛇并不知道动物城在哪。正巧,从它身边飞过一只小鸟,小蛇说道:小鸟,请问你知道动物城在哪吗?要知道,动物城里的动物都非常友好,它们从来都不伤害别人。小鸟说:你跟我来吧!于是,小蛇就跟着小鸟走了。 到了动物城,小蛇把面包屑交给小鸟,作为路费。小蛇走进动物城,结果那些小动物们都很欢迎它,它们排成两队,一边说着欢迎,一边把路让开,小蛇呢,它不知不觉的就走进了王宫。女王正在戴王冠,看见了小蛇高兴得不得了,立刻跑上前去抱它。弄得它都把王冠都给带歪了。女王说:乖孩子,你来这干什么呀?小蛇不急不慢地说:妈妈让我来给您送封信。说完,就把信给了女王。女王说:哦,亲爱的孩子,谢谢你。不用谢。小蛇说,哦,阿姨,您头上的王冠带歪了。女王又说:谢谢你,我们带你参观参观这里吧!小蛇说:嗯! 小蛇跟着它们参观了一个又一个地方,简直是太好了!一种形容不出来的好。其中最让它感到好的是游乐场。女王答应它玩一会,实在是太爽了!在那儿,小蛇交了很多朋友,它们在一起玩的很开心。 一会儿,女王便带着小蛇的妈妈来了,因为它家的客人都回去了。妈妈怕小蛇太贪玩,会遇到什么危险,所以才来接它回家。妈妈说:孩子,该回去了,下次来玩吧。小蛇想了想,说:那好吧。 它依依不舍地跟伙伴告别,跟妈妈走了。小蛇在路上特别开心,因为这是它遇到过最快乐的旅程。


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This story is called "The Farmer and the Snake." Every day, a farmer went to the city to sell his flowers and farm produce and then went home after selling all his things. One day, he left home very early, so early that when he arrived at the city, the gate was still closed. So he lay down to take a nap, when he awoke he found that the storage bin containing his farm produce had become empty except that there was a gold coin inside. Although all the things in the bin had vanished, the gold was much more valuable so he was still very happy. He thought most probably someone had taken his things and left the payment there, and went home happily with the money. The next day, the farmer again went out to sell his things but again arrived too early so he slept outside the city gate just like he had done the day before. And the incident repeated itself. All the produce that the farmer had brought disappeared, and there was a gold coin in the bin! At that time, gold was very valuable. One gold coin had a value many times higher than the farmer&0#39;s produce.

Then one day some time later, the farmer&0#39;s father asked him, "Where have you gotten so many gold coins lately? Where did the money come from?" So the farmer revealed to his father what had happened. After listening to his story, the father thought, "One day I&0#39;ll follow my son as he goes out, and see who&0#39;s been consuming his things and leaving the money in the bin."

So one day, when the farmer went out to do business, his father quietly followed him. While the farmer was sleeping near the city gate, his father saw a snake crawl up to his bin and eat his produce. Having finished eating, the snake once again spat a gold coin into the bin as payment to the farmer before leaving. Seeing this, the farmer&0#39;s father thought, "If I kill the snake, I&0#39;ll be able to seize all its gold coins!" He then picked up a stone and cut the snake into two parts.

At that time, the head and trunk of the snake were already in its den, and only the tail was outside. The father thought that there must be a big treasure in the den so he told his son to reach inside for it. But unexpectedly, when the farmer reached his hand into the den, the snake bit and killed him! Even though it had been cut into two, the snake could still bite! I understand how this could have happened because that was how I got bitten when I was small. At that time, I saw a centipede that had been beaten and squashed by someone, leaving only the head intact. I thought it was dead, and to make sure, I poked it with my foot. It bit me hard and I cried for three days. (Laughter) I was really dumb! Remember! Don&0#39;t play with a centipede even if it looks dead. Sometimes it just fakes death; it&0#39;s not really dead.




http://www.caboaye.com/ http://www.qixingtoys.com/ http://www.166818.com/ http://www.czjtsy.com/

相关热词搜索:童话故事农夫与蛇 蛇的童话故事


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