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2015-08-29 18:20:41 童话故事 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 英语完形填空 童话故事 金发女孩和三只小熊 goldilocks-a4 路海书院 Simple Past Goldilocks and the Three Bears Once upon a...

英语完形填空 童话故事 金发女孩和三只小熊 goldilocks-a4


Simple Past

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there (be) _______________ three bears:1

huge Papa Bear, ordinary Mama Bear and tiny little Baby

Bear. They (live) ________________2 in a great big wood.

One day, ordinary Mama Bear (cook)_________________3 a

delicious porridge for her family and (put) ______________4

it into bowls: a huge bowl for huge Papa Bear, an ordinary

bowl for ordinary Mama Bear and a little bowl for tiny little

Baby Bear. To give the porridge some time to cool down, the three bears (go) ____________5 fora walk.

Near the great big wood, there (live) ___________________6 a little girl called Goldilocks. She(be / not) ____________________________7 allowed to go into the wood. But one day, she (sneak)__________________8 out of the house and into the great big wood. After a while she (come)_________________9 to the bears' house. She (knock) __________________10 at the door. She(look) __________________11 through the windows. But nobody (seem) ______________12 to bethere. So, little Goldilocks (step)________________13 inside.

In the kitchen, Goldilocks (smell) _______________________14 the porridge. She (get)_______________15 very hungry and (try) ______________16 the porridge in the huge bowl – toohot. Then she (taste) ______________17 some of the porridge from the ordinary bowl – too cold.But the porridge in the little bowl (be) _____________18 just right and Goldilocks (eat)______________19 it all up.

In the sitting room, there (stand) _____________________20 the three bears' chairs. Goldilocks (sit)________21 down in the huge chair – too hard. She (like / not) ________________________22 theordinary chair either – too soft. She (love) _______________23

the little chair, however. But she

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红会幼儿园需写策划 2

主题: 永丰幼儿园联谊






内容摘要:具有传记性的文学作品往往将读者和批评的注意力转移到小说与作者家庭和经历的相似性,对弗・伍尔夫代表作《到灯塔去》的研究也是这样。本文则透过对小说回忆视角的再审视,解读该小说的维多利亚式家庭观,揭示该小说中有关物质主义与精神主义的哲学思辨,以此探析回忆的艺术化过程与意义。在回忆视角的作用下,伍尔夫以个人的生活经历为载体,借助“到灯塔去”这一普通事件安排了小说的形式,将对过去的回忆转化变形,以非个人化的姿态进行艺术创作,赋予其时代精神,使小说超脱了个人情感的表达。关键词:《到灯塔去》 回忆 维多利亚式家庭 物质主义和精神主义

作者简介:吕洪灵,南京师范大学外国语学院教授,主要研究方向为英美文学。本文为教育部人文社会科学研究规划青年基金项目“弗吉尼亚・伍尔夫创作文本经典性的重释”【项目批号:09YJC752014】以及江苏省社会科学基金青年项目“弗・伍尔夫创作文本研究”【项目批号:08WWC005】的阶段性研究成果,并得到江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目资助。Title: To the Lighthouse: Representation and Refl ection of Memory

Abstract: Considering the fact that To the Lighthouse often draws the reader’s and the critic’s attention to the biographical elements, the essay, from the novel’s vision of memory, intends to discuss the Victorian family mode and Woolf’s conception of materialism and spiritualism in view of relevant criticism, so as to study the process of transforming memory into art. It holds that, from the vision of memory and with to-the-lighthouse event as the clue, Woolf arranges the novel’s form, and transforms the family memory with an impersonal attitude and modern concerns, so as to make the novel beyond expression of individual feelings.

Key words: To the Lighthouse memory Victorian family materialism and spiritualism

Author:Lv Hongling, Ph.D., is professor at Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing 210009, China).Her research interest is English and American literature. Email:njlhongling@163.com


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