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2015-08-31 01:25:33 童话故事 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 神话故事 神话故事  夸父是古代神话传说中的一个巨人,是幽 冥之神后土的后代,住在北方荒野的成都 载天山上。他双耳挂两条黄蛇、手...



夸父是古代神话传说中的一个巨人,是幽 冥之神后土的后代,住在北方荒野的成都 载天山上。他双耳挂两条黄蛇、手拿两条 黄蛇,去追赶太阳。当他到达太阳将要落 入的禺谷之际,觉得口干舌燥,便去喝黄 河和渭河的水,河水被他喝干后,口渴仍 没有止住。他想去喝北方大湖的水,还没 有走到,就渴死了。夸父临死,抛掉手里 的杖,这杖顿时变成了一片鲜果累累的桃 林,为后来追求光明的人解除口渴。

夸父逐日 图片



中国古代神话传说,水神共工造反,与火 神祝融交战,共工被祝融打败了,他气得 用头去撞西方的世界支柱不周山,导致天 塌陷,天河之水注入人间。女娲不忍人类 受灾,于是炼出五色石补好天空,折神鳖 之足撑四极,平洪水杀猛兽,人类始得以 安居。

女娲补天 图片






年的传说 民间故事(中)

木兰从军 民间故事(中)

牛郎织女 神话故事(中)

田螺姑娘 民间故事(中)

十二生肖的故事 民间故事(中)

狼外婆 民间故事(中)

嫦娥奔月 神话故事(中)

三个和尚 民间故事(中)

宝莲灯 神话故事(中)

九色鹿 神话故事(中)

哪吒 神话故事(中)







Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

Section A

Period 1 1a-2d

Chinese Mythology [mɪ'θɒlədʒɪ]

Do you like listening or telling stories? Have you ever heard these stories?

Do you like listening or telling stories? Have you ever heard these stories?

Do you like listening or telling stories? Have you ever heard these stories?

Do you like listening or telling stories? Have you ever heard these stories?

Hou Yi Shoots the Suns
The nine suns were too hot, so Hou Yi decided to shoot s_________ them.

Nu Wa Repairs the Sky.
How did Nu Wa use to r_________ repair the sky?

Journey to the West
The Monkey King had a long journey j__________ to the West.

Yu Gong Moves a Mountain
Many people thought it was difficult to move the mountains m_________, but Yu Gong didn’t think so.

1a Match the story titles with the pictures [a--d].

___ b Journey to the West ___ a Hou Yi Shoots the Suns ___ d Yu Gong Moves a Mountain ___ c Nu Wa Repairs the Sky.

1. once upon a time = long, long ago 从前 常用于讲述故事开头的词语

e.g. Once upon a time, there lived three monks in a small temple. 从前,在一个小庙里住 着三个和尚。

2. shoot v. 射击;发射 过去式及过去分词形式:shot, shot e.g. He shot the bird with his gun. 他用枪打鸟。

3. stone

n. 石头

e.g. The soil is full of stones.

He threw a stone at the dog.


1b Listen and check (✓) the facts you hear.
Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about?

____The two mountains were very high and big. ✓ ____ ✓ A very old man tried to move the mountains. ____ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it.

1b Listen to 1b again and fill in the blanks.

mountains Once upon a time, there were two ____________ near old man’s house. They were so high ____________ and big that it took them a long time __________ to the other side. So the old to walk move man told his family to help him_____________ the mountains. Although his wife didn’t think he to dig/digging could do that, they all started_____________ the next day. They put all the earth and stone __________from the mountains into the sea to hold everything. because it is big enough _______

Answer these questions.
• How does the story begin?

• Why did the old man want to move the mountains? • So what happened next?
• What did he ask his family to do?

• Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains?

Language points
Once upon a time, there was a very old man…

很久以前,有位老翁……. 是英文故事、童话开头常见的一种叙述方式
类似说法有 long long ago 或a long time ago. Once upon a time, there was a mountain. And in The mountain, there was… 从前有座山,山里有座……

once upon a time的意思是“从前,很久以前”

1c Discuss the questions with your partner.

1. How does the story begin?
Once upon a time, there was

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