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2015-08-05 12:44:06 童话故事 来源:http://fw.bbjkw.net 浏览:

导读: 《希腊神话》观后感--奥德修斯的归家之路 的归家之路 利用木马计攻陷特洛伊城后,奥德赛不顾海神波塞冬的咒语启航 回家,一路上历尽劫难,...


利用木马计攻陷特洛伊城后,奥德赛不顾海神波塞冬的咒语启航 回家,一路上历尽劫难,在海上又漂泊了10年。伊塔克的许多人 都认为他10年不归,一定已经死去。当地的许多贵族都在追求他 的妻子佩涅洛佩 (Penelope),佩涅洛佩百般设法拒绝他们,同时 还在盼望他能生还。奥德修斯在这10年间经历了许多艰难险阻: 独目巨人吃掉了他的同伴,神女喀尔刻把他的同伴用巫术变成猪 ,又要把他留在海岛上;他又到了环绕大地的瀛海边缘,看到许 多过去的鬼魂;又经海妖岛屿,躲过了女妖塞壬的迷惑人的歌声 ,逃过怪物卡律布狄斯和斯库拉,最后女神卡吕普索在留了奥德 修斯好几年之后,同意让他回去。他到了菲埃克斯人的国土,向 国王阿尔基诺斯重述了过去9年间的海上历险,阿尔基诺斯派船 送他回故乡。那些追求他的妻子的求婚人还占据着他的王宫,大 吃大喝。奥德修斯装作乞丐,进入王宫,设法同儿子一起杀死那 一伙横暴的贵族,和妻子重新团聚。

当来到荒岛上遇到海上的儿子“单眼人”波吕斐摩 斯他面对他同伴被“单眼人”吃掉的时候他运用 自己的智慧救了剩下的同伴(有趣的NOBODY 0.0) 他也害怕可是为了能回到家他都克服了


神女卡吕普索将奥德修斯困在她的俄吉吉亚岛上7年, 最后仍然舍弃不死的身体,拒绝了神女的挽留,因 为他心中只有一个信念—那就是回家

妻子对奥德修斯的测试,奥德修斯聪明 觉察出了妻子的意图,告诉了妻子真相。

团念智不 聚,力畏 终与艰 于坚险 与韧, 家的通 人信过

看完了奥德修斯的故事,让我 感触颇深。回到现实当一些人陷 入困境的时候这些人马上就慌了 自己的阵脚思绪马上就乱了是 自己的境遇更加糟糕更加窘迫。 通过奥德修斯的海上历险“人很 容易生气”这句话给我留下了深刻 的印象让我受益匪浅。其实在遇 到坎坷的时候人就应该保持镇定 保持清新的头脑理清自己的思绪控制自己的情绪这样 才能让自己走出困境。 在死亡的国度遇到死去的人不 要留恋因为活着的人更需要你奥德修斯就像《西游记》 当中的唐僧一样要经历九九八十一难才能取得“真经” 才能成“佛”在任何情况下都不要回家的路家里的 人。 在以后的生活里我将学习奥德修斯的优点热爱家 乡忠于家庭自己的事情自己做遇事冷静不急躁 运用自己的智慧解决生活中的困难。



目 录

第 一 章 普罗米修斯 第 二 章 人类的时代

第 三 章 第 四 章 第 五 章 第 六 章 第 七 章 第 八 章 第 九 章 第 十 章 第十一章 第十二章 第十三章 第十四章 第十五章 第十六章 第十七章 第十八章 第十九章 丢卡利翁和皮拉 伊娥 法厄同 欧罗巴 卡德摩斯 彭透斯 珀耳修斯 伊翁 代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯 坦塔罗斯 珀罗普斯 尼俄柏 阿克特翁 普洛克涅和菲罗墨拉 墨勒阿革洛斯和野猪 西绪福斯和柏勒洛丰 阿耳戈英雄们的故事


The Odysseus

He is the hero king of Ithaca, husband of Penelope [pi'neləpi〈希神〉珀涅罗珀 〈希神〉珀涅罗珀], and they had a son: Telemachus [ti’leməkəs]〈希 〈 忒勒马科斯. 神〉忒勒马科斯 Odysseus was also the one to convince 50 of the Greek heroes to hide inside the Trojan horse.

Odysseus’ distinctive feature Odysseus was considered the cleverest hero and was protected by Athena , goddess of wisdom. He often found solutions for important problems. He is famous for ability to trick and deceive.

1. Wandering on the sea 2. Return and reunion

Wandering on the sea

Wandering on the sea
The island of the Lotus-Eaters the Cyclops Polyphemus: a one–eyed giant The sorceress Circe The Sirens' Song Between Scylla and Charybdis The cattle of the sun god Helios nymph Calypso Princess Nausicaa

the island of the Lotus-Eaters
Odysseus sails past the island of the lotus eaters The-Lotus-Eaters

Odysseus’ Story of Lotus-eaters
"I was driven by winds for 9 days upon the sea, but on the tenth day we reached the land of the Lotus-eaters, who live on a food that comes from a kind of flower. Here we landed to take in fresh water, and our crews got their mid-day meal on the shore near the ships. When they had eaten and drunk I sent two of my company to see what manner of men the people of the place might be. They started at once, and went about among the Lotus-Eaters, who did them no hurt, but gave them to eat the lotus, which was so delicious that those who ate of it left off caring about home, and did not even want to go back but want staying with the Lotus-eaters without thinking further of their return. Nevertheless, though they wept bitterly, I forced them back to the ships and made them fast under the benches. Then I told the rest to go on board at once, lest any of them should taste the lotus ."

Odysseus blinding Polyphemus

Odysseus Blinding Polyphemus

Hiding underneath the sheep

Odysseus’ Blinding Polyphemus
In Homer’s Odyssey (Book 9), Odysseus lands on the Island of the Cyclops巨人 during his journey home from the Trojan War. He takes with him twelve men to find food and drink, and they eventually find a large cave, which is the home of the great Cyclops Polyphemus. When Polyphemus returns home with his flocks羊群 and finds Odysseus and his men, he blocks the cave entrance with a great stone, trapping the remaining Greeks inside. Polyphemus then crushes and immediately devours two of his men for his meal.

Odysseus’ Blinding Polyphemus
The next morning, Polyphemus kills and eats two more of Odysseus‘ men for his breakfast and exits the cave to graze his sheep. The desperate Odysseus devises a clever escape plan. He spots a massive olivewood club and, with the help of his men, sharpens the narrow end to a fine point. He hardens the stake over a flame and hides it from sight. That night, Polyphemus returns from herding his flock of sheep. He sits down and kills two more

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